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Indahnya cinta jika besulam keikhlasan.Moleknya cinta andai setia yang dipertaruhkan dan untungnya bercinta jika berkekalan sampai bila -bila. Ustaz Ismail Kamus

Monday, December 3, 2007


--->tz blog r taken from my msn blog called 1 yr bittersweet memory,sayona bestfren*an old one blog*so i cud oso reflex my self<---with the feeling of usualness we tend to be holding our surrounding tight to ourselves never wanting to let go... as we know we wud get hurt of we let go. we neva hv d slightest feeling dat 4 once we wud hv to let go cz we know we wud get alone...being alone is hurt rily hurt but still hv to let go f the scene is no longer suit to wat Allah hv state in AlQuran... "cara tk menghalalkan syara" dat's wat ppl tend to say..n for thing which happen to be like dat den it wud ve nicer f we let go cz we lived only temporarily in diz world hence it is not fair enough f we used d time borrow to us to bully our own selves which is quite stupid... letting go is d best thing eventho it's hurt but keep on going forward n hold ourselves not to go back anymore n do the stupid things again.

Cry if we wnna cry but neva do d same mistake again..."mgkin apa yg kmu pkr yg terbaik utk kmu, bknlh yg terbaik utkmu dan apa yg kmu pkr yg terburuk utk kmu itu mungkin sbetulnya yg terbaik utk kmu, sggh Allah maha mengetahui"

cry if we wanna do so n f we wanna held some1 n cry to sum1 go to ppl who are mengikut syara'e but f we feel we can't do so but still need to cry, go n cry infront of Allah, our creator bcz Allah lebih tau akan isi hati kita, diri kita kerana kita makhluk ciptaanNYA.

our heart might feel sorrow but trust Allah, keep on hold in ourselves to believe dat we doing so to get keredhaNYA dlm hidup ini n also to not aniaya diri kita sendiri, kerana Allah & rasulullah menyayangi diri kita maka apa hak kita utk mempermainkan dan menganiaya diri kita sendiri... sungguh Allah maha penyayang dan maha Penerima taubat...sekian

31207\12:07pm\@ofiz\Song::Big Girlz Dn't Cry\
Condition::Wreck+Blank+Moody but den kan sabar+syukur+i'Allah mmpu smile

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